Thursday, September 30, 2010

Slide To The End Of The World.

So my wife found this slide, It has to be the longest slide in the world. This thing is awesome. I really don't have much to say right now as I just want to go sliding. Bye. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jo Is Da Man!

Every day as I make my way too and from work I always see someone with a personalized license plate. It always baffles me as to some of the plates that are out there and how people forget that they are just subjecting themselves to ridicule. This one however scared me. I have taken all of the pictures that you have seen on this site to date and while taking them I have never been afraid to do so. This one however I did. Jo Da Man is rather large, if you look on the drivers side and see the white stripe, that is Jo's neck. Jo was every bit of five hundred pounds. As I took the picture I thought what if he notices me in his rear view mirror and then follows me home only to pummel me into oblivion. Well the good news is Jo did not and I am safe, until he sees this online and for that I think I am dead. Been nice knowing you all. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Moving In The Right Direction

Do you see it? It's right there. Oh come on!! There is something hidden in this picture. Back in 1994 when Fed Ex was designing a new slogan and logo they stumbled upon some marketing genius. Their new slogan was to be "Moving in the right direction." This being used to show the company was making progress. However in the design of the logo they decided to strategically hide an right pointing arrow to emphasize the slogan. Have you found it yet? If you have post the location in the comments below. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

That RV Is Wearing A Bengals Jersey

OK, I know it is football season and my Tampa Bay Buccaneers are a surprising 2-0, but I think some people take it a little too far. Take this RV for instance. Someone got the bright idea to paint an RV to look like the Cincinnati Bengals helmet. I love my team yet would never dream of defacing my personal property to promote them. Tell me in the comments below what the craziest fan thing you have done to support your team. The craziest entry may win a prize. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

That's An 80's Party Waiting To Happen

Back in the mid to late eighties every band wanted to make a stop in Dayton, Ohio. Why? McGuffy's House of Draft. At the time McGuffy's was a premier band bar in the nation that even the major touring acts made sure they had it on their schedule. Through the 90's and early 00's McGuffy's lost its luster and nearly died. After changing hands numberous times Julia Norris finally purchased the shambles of what was left. To the surprise of everyone Julia in a short time revived the legacy of what McGuffy's once was. By bringing in acts such as Vanilla Ice, Misfits, Skid Row, Nonpoint, Slaiva and Candlebox Julia has made McGuffy's a viable establishment again. Some upcoming shows will also include bands like Smile Empty Soul, Sponge and Marcy's Playground. Check the link below for more information as well as an article that appeared in the Dayton Daily News about McGuffy's. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

McGuffy's Website Link
Dayton Daily News Article On McGuffy's Link.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Fre To Misspell All I Want Any Old Time

So I drove past a used car dealership the other day and noticed this car was Inter Fre, What? One of two things happened here, either someone came along and erased half of the sign on this car (which would be a lot of work) or a worker for the dealership did half of his job on this car (which would be an embarrassment for the dealership). I just though this was funny. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Car Is So Funky

Why are the car manufacturers so stupid these days. After the meltdown in Detroit you would think hey lets change the game but no they still come out with crap. In July 2010 US Auto sales topped 1million cars with only 23thousand hybrids being sold. Less than 3% of all cars sold in July were designed to save the environment. The main reason for this is the cars themselves look ridiculous. Would you buy a Camero or Mustang if it was a hybrid yet could perform like its gas guzzling predecessor. Of course you would. Why? Because it looks cool. Aesthetic values weighs more this day and age than environmental friendliness. Car companies need to get that through their thick sculls. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Pant's On The Ground

I am not the best dresser in the world, but please do not purposely show off your ass. I know sagging jeans is still semi popular these days, but when your shorts turn into jeans becasue they are hanging so low and you lift your shirt up to show your butt, you have issues. Where is General Larry Platt when you need him? Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Did You See That?

Guess what I saw in my local Meijer bathroom? Give up, well look at the picture dumbass. Oh there it is. Yeah, a home drug test. Seriously people you stop into a store, buy a home drug test, obviously use it and then leave the bag and the test in the bathroom. USED. The best part is I was taking my daughter to use the restroom at the time and she chimed out from the stall, " Hey dad, what is in this bag?" Yep, I had to answer that one. Not a fun conversation to have with a four year old. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

Also there is a blog format change as we will not be posting on Saturdays and Sundays. We will still be posting every Monday - Friday. Thanks.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

So, I made mention of Halloween yesterday and that made me think about something my cousin had done. He grew this pumpkin you see here in the picture. Yes that is a real pumpkin and no optical illusion. Anyway, we have some sad news ad the pumpkin has died. Yep, it crushed itself under its own weight. Too bad it never made it to see the holiday season it was meant for. Now, if I get a pumpkin pie from him for Christmas I am going to kick his... Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pirates Of The Best Buy

Argh maties, it seems that the pirates have invaded my local Best Buy. This waif and her band of salty plunderers laid siege on the Nintendo DS. At the end of October I could see someone wearing a costume around as it would be Halloween time. This picture was taken at the beginning of September. Maybe the whole goth and emo movement has dies and now it's all about pirates. I wonder if I will be able to pull off that Jack Sparrow look? I don't know, maybe I am too normal. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mirror Mirror On The Car, Why Is It You Stick Out So Far!

Come on down to Big Bob's Car Fixer Uppers. You need a new mirror, ye haw we have just the thing for ya.

OK, I know that was a bit over the top and kid of dorky but that is just me. So I noticed this car in a Walmart parking lot the other day and I had to take a picture of it. I have seen the ductape version of fixing a broken mirror however this one just took the cake. They have taken what looks like an RV mirror and bolted it to the hood and front quarter panel of the car. I would not want to be driving next to this guy on a narrow two lane street. Can you say scrape there goes my paint job. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Marketing Tonge Twister

How much Coke could a Coke bottle hold if a Coke bottle could hold Coke. I find it amazing at how some marketing departments are completely oblivious to the mistakes they make. Take this Coca Cola billboard. I see three of them each day on my way too and from work. How can an overfull Coke bottle (overfull because you know they never fill it up to the tippy top) be pouring Coke and yet still be so full? Is this some magic bottle that continuously replenishes itself? Makes you wonder. Nope, it was just some idiot proofreader at Coke not doing his or her job. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

I Proud To Be An American, and At Least My Fence Is Free!

I am all for being patriotic, but some people take it to new extremes. Here someone decided turn their front yard into a star spangled encampment. It was actually kind of cool to see it in person. This made me think for a minute about the one good thing that came out of the tragedy of 9/11. Do you remember back shortly after that infamous day when you would see neighbor helping neighbor? When people were proud of our country and would show it any way they could! When everyone respected and admired our police, firefighters and military. How quickly we forget. Take a moment today to remember not only those who have been lost, but how it helped to bring this country together in a way most of us have never seen in our lifetime. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

If You Don't Like The Weather Here, Wait Five Minutes And It Will Change.

I am always amazed at how strange the weather can be in the area where I live. One day its in the nineties and the next it is in the seventies. Very strange. Then you see all of these natural phenomenon happening around the world (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami's) and it makes you think. Most blame the change in weather patterns on man made global warming, yet I feel they are not completely correct. Anyone who has taken a basic college level Geology class has learned that global warming and cooling is a natural phenomenon that has been happening for millions of years. While I may agree that man made global warming may be speeding up the natural global warming, this would have happened anyway. Or it could just be all of these Mexican restaurants popping up all over the place (Chipotle, Qdoba, etc...). You know beans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot. Thanks. Let me know what you think in the comments section below and keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Also remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pregnant Kids, What were you thinking!

At the amusement park I noticed this sign. I find it kind of funny that on a children's ride where you can be no taller than 54" you also cannot be pregnant. I mean how young are kids getting pregnant these days. When a company uses cookie cutter signs on all of there rides it makes you wonder how much they actually pay attention to safety. Each ride is different and deserves different criteria to be able to ride. As many of you know my daughter was injured on a ride at this park, she sustained a broken collar bone on the kiddie coaster. While I am not going to talk bad about the park because they have been responsive to the indecent so far. I am going to say even on the little rides we need to watch our kids as anything can happen. As for the sign I have been told it is for when the little people want to ride the rides and I don't mean kids. I think they meant leprechauns. Thanks. Let me know what you think in the comments section below and keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Also remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

WTF Is That Thing

In this day and age everyone is trying to save money. Either this guy has converted a carnival ride into a car or he purchased this Jeepney looking thing in southeast Asia. Yes Jeepney is a word. The best part was this thing is a convertible. I would also say that from the ear to ear smile on his face he hadn't had this much from since the days of power-sliding his big wheel in his old neighborhood. How many of you just remembered the big wheel. What happened to that toy. Those were cool, back in the day. Thanks. Let me know what you think in the comments section below and keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kids On A Plane, Worse Than Snakes

So I want to tell you about this photo. My wife and daughter took a trip earlier this year to California. One leg of our journey consisted of over five hours in a tin can. Now any of you with kids know that it is virtually impossible for a four year old to sit still for five minutes let alone five hours. However I must admit she was a complete angel. Not only did she behave, she did it without a nap. It just goes to show you that kids can do some amazing things, especially when you least expect it. The ironic part is the hour and a half we spent in Houston was a complete nightmare. Wonder how much trouble you could get in for leaving your kids at an airport? Just kidding. No matter how bad she acts in public, I am sure I did the same thing (if not worse) to my parents when I was a kid. Karma is a bitch. Thanks. Let me know what you think in the comments section below and keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Deploy Smoke Screen

The early 80's brought us many cool things. Most notably for this post would be the video game Spy Hunter. If you don't remember Spy Hunter, Google it. Anyway, in this game you  had things you can use like missiles, oil slicks and the smoke screen. Here in the photo you see a guy who thinks he must be playing that game. I know this day and age money is tight and it can cost a small fortune to fix any repairs that your car may need, but when you need to stop at the filling station to check the gas and fill the oil every thirty minutes it's a bit out of control. I have always wanted to use that joke. Yes I know I am a dork. Anyway, my point is to all you out there with cars like this, I already have to see your ugly car on the road, please don't make me smell it too. Thanks. Let me know what you think in the comments section below and keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Classifieds, We Don't Need No Stinkin Classifieds.

Boss: We need to hire a new plumber.

HR rep: OK, let me call the paper and take out an ad for this Sunday.

Boss: No, I have a better idea, get some plywood and paint a sign then stick it out next to the road.

HR rep: You sure that will work?

Boss: Who cares it's cheaper than an ad.

This day and age of companies trying to save every penny is really getting out of control. I sometimes find it amazing at how companies have forgotten that sometimes you need to spend money to make money. In fact I would not use the word spend, I would use the word Invest. An investment in an employee will gain a much greater return in the long run, yet will hurt you in the short. Companies are far too reliant on the short term to run their business. Let me know what you think in the comments section below and keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Piqua is a bad city!

So according to WHIOTV.COM the city of Piqua, Ohio kidnapped someone and attempted to rape them. Wow. It is amazing at how well we train our journalists these days in proofreading. I can almost understand, if it were in the body of the story yet this was the headline. I personally blame Microsoft Word for this. We rely too much on using this program to verify we have spelled everything correctly, that we ultimately assume it has looked at our grammar and sentence structure as well. Heck I do it too. It is amazing at how just a little word like Man or a missing comma can change the meaning of a sentence.Let me know what you think in the comments section below and keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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BEDA is over.

So this blog was an experiment for me. I wanted to participate in an event called BEDA where you post to a blog every day during the month of August. Well as most of you know August is over (for those who did not know that go buy a calendar). I wanted to say thanks to each of you who have viewed the site and read my opinions about the things I have seen and posted. I have decided that I have enjoyed this very much and all of you who keep coming back to view the site have created a small following. So with that said as long as you keep coming back I will keep posting stupid stuff. Thanks again and tell your friends as the more people who see this site the bigger it will become for all of us. Long live DO YOU SEE STUPID PEOPLE.

Wanna Be a Baller, Shot Caller, Twenty Inch Rims on the Trailer.

OK, so I have heard stories of people having cars that cost more than their homes, but this just took the cake. Here someone really had their priorities screwed up. Now don't get me wrong as there is nothing wrong with living in a trailer. Some folks have had tough breaks in life and this is all they can afford. The problem happens when you buy a car and then spend a small fortune to pimp it out forgetting you live in a house on wheels. How much you wanna bet they have a plasma TV in that joint. People spend their money on strange things these days, but I guess to each is own. Keep checking back every day as I continues to post new fun stuff that I see. Thanks and remember to subscribe and tell your friends about this site.

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