Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am as dumb as a box of rocks....Der Dee Der.

I am not immune to being included in the stupid people that this blog is named for. On a beautiful Friday even we decided to venture out to see a couple movies at the drive-in-theater. It was the perfect scenario a movie my wife and I wanted to see on the front screen and a kids movie for my daughter on the back with a second movie for me and my wife as my daughter could fall asleep in the back of the car after her show was over. Well this theater uses radio stations to broadcast the audio. As the first movie was coming to an end our audio in the car was getting some static. Then all the sudden there was no sound at all. Lo and behold I had left the keys in the on position and killed the battery. Now the theater will not jump anyone for what they claimed was liability issues and no one around us had jumper cables (or so they said). We were screwed. Oh and to add injury to insult my wife's cell phone was nearly dead and mine was in and out of service. Yeah, it got that bad. Lucky for us we were able to get a hold of my sister who showed up with some cables and saved our butts and those butts of another family who was just as stupid as me. Thank you sis. If you see Tara Weimer tell her way to go hero. As for the drive-in, next time I'm bringing a radio. Let me know what you think in the comments below and stay tuned for tomorrow as discuss irony and BP. Thanks and please subscribe.

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