Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Office Warfare 3 - The Remodel

As the battle in our office continues we see the lines of combat are being taken to a whole new level. This is the first office to get attacked as previously it was only the cubicle fronts that were waging war. In this battle the mark was again on vacation when these underground rebel perpetrators made their move. As you can see they began with the all to familiar stimulus road sign on the marks door. Phase two required them to somehow sneak a traffic cone onto the second floor of our building and enter a locked office without anyone seeing them. We are still trying to figure out how they did it. Lastly they cordoned off the area then redirected all of the traffic to another office. No one is safe and we are still trying to figure out who these perps are. Let me know what you think in the comments below and stay tuned for tomorrow as I discuss stalkers. Thanks and please subscribe.

P.S. Don't forget our little contest we have going if you don't know what I am talking about then click the link here - Contest Link

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